My Poetry

June 3, 2012

Don't Look Back

In the gospel reading for my graduation Mass, Jesus heals a woman who then immediately gets up and waits on them. Yup. She didn't sit around and want people to feel sorry for her or think back on how she used to be. No. She being healed went right back into her daily routine without longing for her old way. This really struck me.  I know when I have been healed of something (forgiven of a sin or becoming well after being sick..etc) I am tempted to dwell on the past "Oh wasn't it soo awful what I went through? I can't possibly do what I used to because I have been weakened so." bla bla bla. Jesus restores us to full health and more! If I have sinned horribly and Jesus forgives, it is foolish to dwell on the past and think it can still hold me back. It's gone. Jesus forgave. Why do I run back to my sin, almost asking it to ensnare me once again? Once I have fallen and go to confession I ought to be like the woman in the gospel and serve my Lord without a second thought for the past. After Confession any lingering guilt is a sign of distrust of His great mercy; it is from the devil.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Not partially forgiven, fully remitted and cleansed from the soul, with the relationship with Christ restored :)
