My Poetry

June 22, 2013


At least three times a day, deny yourself some legitimate pleasure…for the love of God. These little ‘deaths’ are so many rehearsals for the final death. Dying is a masterpiece, and to do it well, we must die daily.” 
~ Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (Wartime Prayer Book)

That's the key, isn't it? Often times life can seem like a long, pointless, to-do list and I quickly slip into the "life sucks and then you die" mindset. But that's the beautiful thing about Christianity: we are enabled to use these tasks and trails for our betterment. A chore, a homework assignment or a work shift seems so much more bearable when offered up for something truly worthwhile.

June 19, 2013

Blog Promo

Hello all :)
So my best friend in the entire world finally started a blog and his introductory post is amazing! I'd really encourage you all to check it out and share it -- maybe with those who want a male, classically-trained aspiring psychologist's perspective on Catholic topics.
So please, check it out, read, enjoy and pass it on.
God bless,

June 18, 2013

heart to Heart

"Sacred Heart of Jesus, take my heart. Make it like Thine." Often times when I say this prayer a little voice inside secretly says "take it, fix it, repair it and mail it back to me by Tuesday. Oh, but You can bill me for the shipping. Thanks!
Hearts cannot be taken -- they must be given. I must work constantly to make it His. He will not simply take our hearts, polish them off and return them with a lifetime purity guarantee. If we offer, He will accept. But how many times we snatch our hearts back from such loving hands to plunge again into that same old sin. Giving Him my heart does not make my life work-free. No, it is work; it is labor; but, oh, how very worthwhile it is. 

June 15, 2013


"Hallelujah, I'm caving in.Hallelujah, I'm in love again.Hallelujah, I'm a wretched man.Hallelujah, every breath is a second chance, yeah"

Hope is never lost, you are never doomed. Break free! Live on fire; ready to die. Stumbling, falling, tripping, crying -- yes -- but picking yourself again, never letting a moment slip lost. Live ready to die and die fighting with Truth on your lips and Love in your heart.
Be humble, accept aid, be free, live.

June 1, 2013

When I Grow Up..

This is what I want to be when I  grow up:
Simple, child-like, silent, receptive, His. 
Sweet Child Jesus, have mercy on me.

I simply remember my favorite things...

All for Jesus, through Mary, with a Smile: I simply remember my favorite things...: . ..and then I don't feel so bad. Thank You for... thunderstorms. coffee. healthy eating & exercise kicks. wonderful wonderfu...