My Poetry

September 16, 2011

I've been thinking alot lately about the value of each day. It's mostly because I was talking to one of my friends and she said how she wants to live each moment of everyday well and try to help others because she has such a clear understanding of how much our lives our God's and they are a gift. She says she doesn't know if she'll be around the next day or even the next 5 mins so she wants to try her best to bring Joy in other people's lives. I just found that so inspiring! And I was thinking about it.. It's so true! God doesn't owe us anything. The gift of a new day is not owed to us. God gives it as a gift and every single day has meaning and purpose or else He wouldn't have granted it. I mean, He doesn't just do things for the heck of it. I don't know - this is something I need to do way more of in my life. I'm the type of person who often thinks "Oh,in a year/month/week things will be better and I'll be happy. Then I can really start living." But, I cannot just waste the precious time God has given me. I am so grateful He put this friend in my life to show me this.

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