My Poetry

September 2, 2013

freer of souls

I finally went to confession tonight after over a month of needing to -- my sins weighing, pressing on my heart. Usually I don't feel any different after confession but if I do it's in a negative way -- I can't explain it but it's an awful feeling. Tonight was the first time in my memory that I've been wanting to go to confession and come out feeling so much better. I sat down and wrote:
What is this freedom? Breaking and bursting -- a bellowing cry -- from my heart of joy. The weight is gone. The weight is lifted. I am Yours. Now I am at peace to consume You in the Eucharist -- to be united to You wholly -- I cannot remember the last time my heart has felt so light. O sweet Freer of souls, my Light and my Life. You wrapped me in Your arms and pressed me to Your most Sacred Heart so that now, with strength renewed, I may live for You, my King. 
Fr. Gregory then gave me a bible passage to read (Colossians 1: 9-14) which talked about how God has taken us from the doom of death and pain and made us fit to live for the Beloved Son and reach, finally, His kingdom. There is never reason to give up and let sin overcome -- we have the victory because of His deep love.

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