My Poetry

October 25, 2011

Great Humility

The King of Glory gives Himself
Every single day.
'Though He in heaven, we below
Not alone remain.

He comes by Love in hidden form
(Most great humility!)
So we, by Faith, must choose to come
Unseen though He may be.

Such Joy is found in Christ our Lord
He who is our end.
We the beloved, foolish flock
He'll ne'r cease to tend.

October 24, 2011


The other day (when I was sick on the couch) I was trying to say a rosary. As I was saying the 'Glory Be' I just had this wonderful sense of security. "All glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit as is was in the beginning, now and ever shall be..." The same God I pray to today was always there and He will always be there. He's never going to leave, never going to change, never going to be anything other than who He is! I mean, people worry so much about investing their time in 'worthwhile' things. Well, my God isn't going anywhere and He will never change and become somebody I didn't expect. He'll always be there just the same. We have such security in Him :)

October 12, 2011


I wrote this poem after being really dumb last night. It has less form than my other ones...

O Jesus, Thy poor, wounded heart
It is I who's pierced it so!
All the pain I've caused Thee
Lord, I shall never fully know.
With my acts so selfish
My human heart so weak.
Not satisfied with Perfection
Wanting something more "concrete".
What a fool am I, wretched self!
Who so often reject Thy gifts
But only they are capable
To free me, from the deep to lift
And bring me to Thy glorious Light
The true desire of my hardened heart.
O Love, Thy mercy ever saves me.
It alone redeems my unworthy soul.

October 11, 2011

"For the spirit of God has made me, the breath of the Almighty keeps me alive."
- Job 33:4

October 6, 2011

I was stressing out during physics because I had no idea what was going on but I ended up writing this little poem on the side of the page and it helped :

Holy Mother Mary,
I pray you, help me be
All that God desires
From sin my soul set free. 
I'm starting to turn it into a longer poem but I just wanted to share this for now :)
 This is amazing! please watch :) How lucky am I that this person is my friend in real life?!

October 5, 2011

Some worship lyrics

 Today I wasn't feeling too well and was tempted with things I hadn't been in awhile. During one of my class I started writing a depressing poem but stopped and started writing out lyrics from worship really helped :)

You are my strength when I am weak.
You are the treasure that I keep. 
You are my all in all.
..and all of You is more than enough for
all of me, for every thirst and
every need You satisfy me with Your love
and all I have in You is more than enough.

 Over the mountains and the seas
Your river runs with love for me
And I will open up my heart and let the Healer
set me free. I'm happy to be in the Truth...
I could sing of Your love forever.
Holy holy
God Almighty. The great I Am!
Who is worthy? 
None besides Thee.
God almighty. The great I Am.
Beautiful One I love!
Beautiful One I adore!
Beautiful One my soul does sing.

And if our God is for us
The who will ever stop us?
And is our God is with us
Then who can stand against?
Our God is greater. Our God is stronger
God, You are higher than any other.

Light of the world You stepped down into darkness. 
Opened my eyes, let me see. 
Beauty that made this heart adore You.
Hope of a life spent with You.
Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. 
Here I am to say that You're my God!
You're altogether lovely.
Altogether worthy.
Altogether wonderful to me!

October 4, 2011

Come To Me

Come to Me, My weary one,
And I shall give you rest.
I love  you so, my precious son,
For you I want the best.

O my child, it saddens Me
To see you hide away.
I love you so, despite your deeds,
The cross for you I payed.

Do not let your shame consume
Nor let the devil win.
I ache to cleanse you, sin remove,
To purify within.

Come to Me, My little one,
In Me you are complete.
To My arms I beg you come,
Be safe from all deceit.

Beloved child, I am yours.
Protector and great Friend.
On you always My mercy pours.
I'll guide you till the end.